Nutter Fort Primary is located at 1302 Buckhannon Pike. It houses Pre-Kindergarten through 2nd grade students. The current enrollment is at 708 students. The school is proud to have a computer lab (30 Mac computers) and a full time computer teacher, 142 internet accessible workstations in the classrooms, 7 pre-school programs, a Title I after-school program, Title I services, and an exteded year program.
Please visit the following link for more information on Nutter Fort Primary -
Nutter Fort Intermediate is also located at 1302 Buckhannon Pike. It houses 3rd through 5th grade students. The current enrollment is at 505 students. The staff at Nutter Fort Intermediate is proud to have a mission "to work cooperatively with parents, students, and community members to help students become productive and responsible citizens in a global society."
Please visit the following link for more information on Nutter Fort Intermediate -
Mother Goose Land Kindergarten School is located at 401 West Virginia Avenue. It currently enrolls 72 preschool and elementary school students from grades Pre-K through Kindergarten.